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10 Parenting Mistakes That Hinder Your Child's Development.

Updated: May 16, 2023

There are no ideal parents, but everyone, without exception, wants their child to grow up happy and become a successful person in the future. Very often, parents do not pay attention to the routine elements in education, which systematically hamper the development of the child.

Top 10 parenting mistakes will help you look at yourself from the outside and correct the usual methods of parenting in the family.

1. Almighty "no"

Few people are able to count, or even think about how many times a day a child hears the word “no”.

Children study this world by all possible methods, but almost every fifth action is accompanied by the word “no”. And this “impossible” passes over time, as the child hears it very often, but why he is forbidden to do something, he does not understand, since after the ban there is no explanation from the parent. The word “no” slows down the child and does not allow him to fully recognize the world.

2. Regular classes and clubs

There are parents who are so afraid that the child will not be able to find himself and realize himself, that they try from childhood to either load them with various activities at home, or give them to a bunch of circles. We drew, followed by plasticine, then we learn to read, and so on. Of course, it is necessary to develop the child, to teach new things, but everything should be in moderation.

Moreover, the child must be interested in the process, otherwise there will be no pleasure, and the next lesson will cause negativity and unwillingness to engage.

3. Physical punishment

Now the topic is very relevant, to punish the child or not. And no matter how many disputes there are about this, psychologists unanimously repeat "No to corporal punishment." Many parents do not see anything wrong with spanking a child on the bottom.

But it has been proven that this not only hinders the development of the baby, but also causes psychological problems in the future.

It is very important to convey information to the child with words, and not with corporal punishment.

4. Ban on interest in "adult" affairs

When a child sees a distressed mother, he becomes interested in what happened, why she is so upset. It makes no sense to hide your emotions, and even more so to say "it's none of your business." Even newborns read the emotions of their parents.

Therefore, it is important to dedicate the child to your "affairs", but to present the information correctly. This will allow the baby to get life experience.

5. "House with soft walls"

All parents worry about the safety of their children, but trying to create “greenhouse conditions” = raising a child who is not adapted to life. He will become helpless and unprepared for the outside world when he begins to gradually separate from his parents. Control is needed, but it must be adequate.

6. "More is not better"

It is very important to praise a child, but even here you can go too far. When a parent constantly praises a child with or without reason, he becomes focused not on the result, but on the reaction of the parents. In addition, if a child is praised even for failures, he will understand that it is not important to strive for something, they will praise him anyway.

Everything needs balance and common sense.

7. Make decisions for the child

If the goal of parents is to raise a weak-willed child who does not understand himself and his desires, then you need to constantly make decisions for him, and not give him the opportunity to do it on his own.

It is important to give freedom to the baby, so he will learn to make decisions and hear his desires.

8. "Guess"

Parents often know what the child wants and likes. But you don't have to keep guessing. Even if the child does not yet know how to speak, he will be able to explain what he wants. He will also be able to develop communication skills.

9. Prohibition to touch "dangerous" things

Some items really need to be kept away from the child. But the same pot and ladle, or other household items that, under the supervision of adults, cannot harm the baby, will be an excellent educational material. This will allow the child to fully explore the world.

10. Lack of faith in the strength and capabilities of the child

When a child begins to show interest in those things that, in the opinion of parents, it is too early to learn, you need to allow him to do this.

The baby is interested in music, dancing, and maybe letters and numbers, although he does not speak yet and has just learned to walk, you can gradually develop this interest. The main thing is to believe in the child and help him. This does not mean that you need to immediately learn the multiplication table, but it is very important to see the direction of interests and develop them moderately.

Yours, Amelia Kowalski

Academy of Humanities and Economics in Łódź, Psychology

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