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6 Ways You Can Help Crying Children Calm Down.

Updated: Jul 4, 2023

We’ve all been there: you’re moving and grooving through your day with your little one, and then it hits—the tears! Where did they come from? Weren’t we jamming to our favorite song just a minute ago? When the tears come, sometimes it can feel overwhelming to know how to help your child calm down, or even know why they’re crying.

Children are complex and they have big feelings that they cannot always communicate. It’s our job to help them navigate those feelings and help them through the tears. Here are reasons why your child may be crying, and ways that you can help them calm down.

When dealing with crying children, it's important to provide comfort and support to help them calm down. Here are six ways you can help a crying child:

📍Provide a calm and reassuring presence: Stay calm yourself and maintain a soothing demeanor. Children can pick up on your emotions, so it's important to project a sense of calmness and reassurance.

📍Offer physical comfort: Physical touch can be comforting for a child. Hug them gently or hold them close if they are comfortable with it. You can also stroke their back or rub their arms to provide a soothing sensation.

📍Use gentle and soothing words: Speak softly and use kind, comforting words to reassure the child. Let them know that you are there for them and that everything will be okay. Avoid using a stern or impatient tone, as it can escalate their distress.

📍Identify and address their needs: Crying is often a way for children to communicate their needs. Take a moment to understand what might be causing their distress. Are they hungry, tired, or in need of attention? Address their needs appropriately to help alleviate their discomfort.

📍Engage in distracting activities: Sometimes, providing a diversion can help redirect a child's attention and calm them down. Engage them in activities they enjoy, such as reading a book, playing a gentle game, or offering a favorite toy. This can help shift their focus away from the cause of their distress.

📍Create a soothing environment: Make the child's surroundings calm and peaceful. Dim the lights, play soft music, or create a cozy corner with pillows and blankets. A peaceful environment can contribute to a sense of security and help the child relax.

Remember, every child is unique, and it may take some trial and error to find the most effective calming techniques for each child. Patience, empathy, and understanding are key when helping a crying child.

Yours, Julie Mitchell

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