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8 Big Mistakes Adults Make When Raising Children!

Updated: May 15, 2023

📍Overprotecting: Many parents today are overly protective of their children, which can hinder their development and prevent them from learning important life skills. It is important to strike a balance between keeping your children safe and allowing them to take reasonable risks.

📍Lack of consistency: Children thrive on routine and predictability. Parents who are inconsistent with rules, expectations, and consequences can confuse and frustrate their children.

📍Overpraising: While it is important to praise your children when they do well, overpraising can create unrealistic expectations and make your children feel like they always have to be perfect.

📍Ignoring emotions: Parents who dismiss their children's emotions or try to distract them from their feelings can create emotional distance and make their children feel like their emotions don't matter.

📍Comparing children: Comparing your children to each other or to other children can create feelings of jealousy and insecurity. It is important to celebrate each child's unique strengths and accomplishments.

📍Punishing instead of teaching: Punishment can be a useful tool in disciplining children, but it should always be paired with teaching and guidance. Punishing without explaining why the behavior is unacceptable can make children feel powerless and confused.

📍Over-scheduling: While it is important for children to have extracurricular activities and social opportunities, over-scheduling can lead to stress and burnout. It is important to prioritize free time and unstructured play.

📍Micromanaging: Parents who micromanage their children's lives can create a sense of anxiety and low self-esteem. It is important to give children space to make mistakes and learn from them, while still providing support and guidance.

Yours, Lili Petit

Preschool teacher, International Children's Centre, France

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