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Age crises of personality formation.

The concept of age crisis

Age crises are special and relatively short periods of time. In their process, there is a transition in age development to a new stage, which has a qualitatively specific character. Age crises, as a rule, are associated with the destruction of the usual social situation. They are conditioned by the development, formation and emergence of another reality, which to a greater extent will correspond to the new level.

The form, time and severity of the course of the age-related crisis of personality formation are indicators that differ markedly in accordance with the individual and typological characteristics of a person. They depend on social and microsocial conditions, education, and pedagogical influence.

Any age crisis is a change in the outlook of the individual, a change in her social status. Learning to perceive yourself new from a positive point of view is the main thing that helps in overcoming the psychological difficulties of age-related crises.

The main age crises of children, adolescents and adults

The very first human crisis is the crisis of the newborn. It refers to a drastic change in the living conditions of a newborn who, from a familiar position, enters new conditions. From the first moment, the baby has a system of unconditioned reflexes, including food, protective and orienting. Thanks to them, he adapts to new living conditions.

The crisis of three years can be characterized by the fact that personal changes in a child's life lead to a change in his relationship with adults. This crisis manifests itself for the reason that children separate themselves from the people around them by realizing their own capabilities. During this period, they begin to feel like a source of will and compare themselves with adults.

At a younger preschool age, a child is characterized by:





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Various signs of the age crisis of becoming at the age of 7 lead to difficulties in the field of communication with adults. At this time, children can withdraw into themselves, become uncontrollable.

The teenage age crisis of formation is typical for 12-14 years old. In duration, it is longer than all other crises in the formation of personality. Scientists believe that this process is associated with a faster pace of physical and mental development of children at this age. This leads to the formation of needs that cannot be satisfied due to insufficient social maturity of students.

The teenage crisis of becoming is characterized by the fact that during this period there is a change in the relationship of a teenager with people around him. The child begins to make higher demands on himself and on adults, often protesting against being treated like little children.

Significantly less studied are age-related crises of formation in mature periods of life and old age. It is believed that such turning points appear much less frequently than in childhood. They proceed more covertly and are not characterized by pronounced changes in behavior.

An unexplored crisis is the crisis of becoming at the time of youth (at the age of approximately 16-20 years). At this time, a person is already formally considered an adult. Moreover, he himself begins to consider himself as such, trying to prove it to himself and to the rest of the world. In addition, the period is considered a time of real, adult responsibility.

Another crisis of becoming occurs at about the age of 30 years. At this time, a person looks more soberly into the future and wants peace and stability. Many build a career during this period, while others, on the contrary, devote more time to the family in the hope of determining some kind of “meaning of life”.

The next crisis falls on the age of 40-45 years. People of this age see only old age in the future, and behind it the worst thing is death. The body begins to lose strength and beauty, the first wrinkles and gray hair appear, diseases overcome.

The next age crisis is the age crisis of 60-70 years. People in these years, as a rule, retire and do not know what to do at all. Health begins to fail, old friends are far away, and someone is no longer alive. It saddens such people that the children have grown up and live their own lives. Suddenly a person realizes that his life on this planet coming to an end. He is no longer in the center of her cycle, feels lost and depressed.

Age crises can accompany a person throughout life. For some people, they pass easily, and someone even turns to the help of a specialist psychologist. Nevertheless, crises have a pattern and are required for the development.

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