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Stages of formation of the problem of studying autism:

1. Stage I refers to the end of the late XIX - early XX centuries, when scientific literature began to

there are separate references to children striving for loneliness, for withdrawing “into themselves”.

2. Stage II was called the pre-Kanner stage, fell on the 20-40s of the past

centuries. At this stage, the scientific community actively discussed the problems

detecting schizophrenia at an early age.

3. Stage III occurred in the 1940s-1970s, when autism syndrome in children was first

described by the American child psychiatrist Kanner. At the same time in Australia

the work of the psychiatrist Asperger is published with a description of autistic psychopathy in children.

4. Stage IV, post-Kanner, took place in the 80-90s of the last century, when scientists

different types of mental state have been described

Types of autism

In modern theory and practice of psychology, the following types of autism are distinguished:

📍child autism in diseases of the central nervous system;

📍autism with chromosomal pathology;

📍autism in metabolic diseases;

📍autism in schizophrenic etiology;

📍psychogenic autism.

Ideas about hereditary burden, genetic predisposition

occupy one of the central places among the risk factors for the development of autism.

Features of the development of children with autism

Children with autism have features in the development of sensation, perception, thinking, imagination, memory, speech, emotional-volitional sphere.

Hypersensitivity, sensory vulnerability leads to ignoring external influences, personality prefers objects over people. For children with autism the color, texture, shape of the object are of great importance, but not the whole thing; they are very sensitive to odors, muscle, tactile sensations.

Features of memory development are reflected in a good mechanical memory, which creates conditions for the preservation of traces of emotional experience that form the stereotyping of perception and interpretation of the surrounding reality. Children easily memorize verses, they can swing to the rhythm of the verse, compose their own texts.

Features of thought processes are manifested in difficulties with adaptation, the transfer of existing behavioral stereotypes to new conditions, to a new situation. Intellectual underdevelopment is not mandatory in autism syndrome, a person may show talent in certain areas. "Autistics", as a rule, have an uneven level of intellectual achievements, difficulties in behavior.

The person hardly establishes contacts, emotional connections with others.

Difficulties in adapting "autistic" to the conditions of an educational institution

Getting into an educational institution, a child suffering from autism experiences difficulties with adaptation, which is manifested in the following aspects:

📍does not follow the rules, cannot learn to observe discipline;

📍ignores individual subjects, does not master the school curriculum.

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