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Child safety on the street. 5 do's and don'ts you need to know.

Updated: May 16, 2023

In this article, we will talk again about how important it is to talk with children about safety. And it is important not to intimidate them, but to TEACH them to behave correctly in various situations. It is also necessary to talk with children about personal boundaries, to teach them to refuse, to act confidently.

Let's analyze the 5 "don'ts" that you need to tell a child walking on their own.

1. You can't go anywhere with people you don't know.

This may not be a scary stranger in a black coat and hat, but a very polite and pleasant person (male or female).

He may ask you:

- about help,

- to go somewhere

- to show the way,

- call to see the animals or save them,

- promise to buy something interesting,

- to say that he knows your mom and dad and wants to take you to them.

No matter how good, kind and cheerful a person may seem, you CANNOT GO ANYWHERE with him.

If a stranger:

- violates your personal space,

- coming close

- touches you

- asks for help or calls somewhere,

offers gifts or money

– asks strange or personal questions –

do the following:

1. Put your hands behind your back.

2. Take three steps back to increase your distance.

3. Say "No" loudly to get other people's attention.

4. Turn around and quickly go where there are people.

Practice this response with your children. This is much more effective than just talking about the topic or scaring.

Here's what you can say: “Remember! If an adult needs help, he will ask another ADULTS for it, not a child.”

Do not teach children that adults are always right, that adults should be obeyed, and so on. This leads to the fact that the child becomes shy and does not know how to refuse a stranger and obeys him.

2. You can’t go into the entrance with a stranger

Before entering, look around and make sure that no one enters with you. If someone is standing next to the entrance, but does not go inside - do not go in with him - move away from the front door and call your parents or neighbors who can meet you. Or wait for other tenants with whom you can go.

If a stranger enters the entrance after you, pretend that you forgot something and get out of it. Wait for the stranger to come outside and leave. Either, if no one comes out, call home or neighbors and ask to meet you, or go to the entrance with other neighbors.

3. You can not enter the elevator with a stranger

If a stranger enters the elevator with you, get out of the elevator and wait until he leaves. You can pretend that you went for the mail.

If there is a stranger in the elevator you called, do not enter the cabin. Move away from the elevator and call him again after a while.

4. You can not get into the car with a stranger

Never and under no circumstances! Even if there is a pleasant driver in the car, a man or a woman, smiles, jokes, promises to give you a ride faster, show something interesting or just drive, asks to show the way or help someone - NEVER get into the car.

Don't talk to the one who invites you to the car, don't explain anything, turn around and leave. If you're leaving and the driver is trying to follow you, run in the opposite direction from the car to where there are other people.

5. You can not accept gifts from a stranger

When there are no parents around, do not take gifts from either a man or a woman. If a stranger tries to give you something, say: “I don’t take gifts from strangers”, turn around and leave this person, where there are other people.

Please write in the comments: did you have any unpleasant stories in your childhood because you did not know these rules?

Yours, Anna Müller


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