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Childish resentment: what to do when a child is offended.

When a child feels offended or resentful, it's important to validate their feelings and help them work through their emotions in a healthy way. Here are some steps you can take to address a child's feelings of resentment:

📍Listen to their perspective: Give the child your full attention and allow them to express their feelings without interruption. Listen to their perspective and ask clarifying questions to understand what happened and how they feel.

📍Validate their feelings: Let the child know that their feelings are valid and that you understand why they are upset. Use empathy to show that you recognize their emotions and that you care about how they feel.

📍Encourage problem-solving: Once the child has expressed their feelings, help them brainstorm possible solutions to the problem. Encourage them to think of ways to communicate their needs or boundaries in the future to avoid similar situations.

📍Model forgiveness: Teach the child the importance of forgiveness and show them how to forgive others. Explain that holding onto resentment can be harmful and that forgiveness is a way to move forward and let go of negative emotions.

📍Reinforce positive behavior: Praise the child when they communicate their feelings in a constructive way, and reinforce positive behavior when they show forgiveness or empathy towards others.

Overall, the key is to approach the situation with empathy and patience, and help the child develop healthy emotional coping mechanisms. Encourage open communication and teach them positive conflict resolution skills that they can use throughout their lives.

Yours, Vadim Kobylchenko


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