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Doesn`t your child want to go to the kindergarten?

Updated: May 13, 2023

Tantrums in the morning, refusal to enter the group, suffering for my mother - for many, the first days in kindergarten are hard.

Someone quickly gets used to it, while for someone the stress is so deep that it can provoke enuresis, stuttering, nightmares in a dream, loss of appetite and even regression in development.

This happens with children who are taken to kindergarten without emotional preparation. You need to start preparing in advance, one or two months in advance, so that the child then goes to kindergarten with pleasure. Easy adaptation lasts two to three weeks. The average is a month and a half. If longer, we are talking about a difficult adaptation, even painful.

▪️Here are some useful skills for toddlers and their parents

1. Spending time without mom

Quietly letting go of your mother and staying without her for a long time in someone else's territory is a key skill. Start your workout with short breaks for 15-20 minutes and gradually increase the time. The first assistants here, of course, are grandparents.

2. We expand the circle of communication

The garden is new children with whom you need to get to know each other, play, make friends, communicate. New adults to listen to, feel free to ask for help. Everyone at home understands this at a glance, but in the garden no one will guess desires - you will have to express yourself a lot.

3. Find out how everything will be in the kindergarten

Tell us what a kindergarten is, where mothers take their children. And then in detail, in detail, in a simple and understandable language for the child, describe how his day in the garden will go.

4. Get used to the kindergarten routine

Find out what the daily routine is in your garden and try to stick to it at home. Start getting up early, eat and go to bed at a certain time. And along the way, teach your child to roll up the sleeves of clothes before washing their hands, after eating, take the plate and cup to the sink, say “thank you”, dress and undress on their own, and fold their things.

5. Is mom ready?

Mom's anxiety is transmitted to the child, and there is no doubt about it - the baby will cry and be bored to the fullest. So calm, just calm.

Many mothers are in a hurry to go to work. Accept it as a fact: the first six months, or even a year, will not work fully. First, the kids do not stay in the garden all day long. The standard adaptation scheme: first, the child is brought in for an hour or two, then left until lunch, then for a quiet hour and, finally, until the evening. It happens that the mother is called to the garden earlier if the baby cannot be calmed down. If the mother does not have an assistant (grandmother, nanny), she will have to constantly take sick leave, and employers do not like this. So either delay your work, or discuss with your superiors the options for remote work or part-time exit.

Yours, Maria Altuhova,

Psychologist, Pedagogical University, Ukraine.

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