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Don't lend your kids: 10 tips from an economist about parenting.

Updated: May 13, 2023

Different situations happen in life, for example, in one family children grow up and become financially independent and successful, and in another they pull money from their parents until retirement, some even manage to ruin their relatives.

Why is this happening? It's all about education, which should be based on certain lessons and the right values.

1. "Do not overfeed." You should not spoil the child too much, but you should not keep it in tight reins either. Even if the financial capabilities of the parents allow indulging the desires and whims of the child, this is not worth doing - everything should be in moderation.

2. "To love." You should always show your love to a child, and not only when he brought a fiver or washed the dishes. Love must be selfless and manifest in words and actions.

3. "Children must be able to survive." It is necessary to take care of the safety of the child, but you should not do it exaggeratedly so that the child does not grow up helpless and unadapted.

4. "Forever keep in touch." Even when the children have grown up and moved away, there is no need to lose touch with them. As adults, they are still your children and also need the love and support of their parents.

5. "Cultivate independence, self-sufficiency, the ability to generate ideas, take responsibility." Children should be individuals, they should be able to make decisions and be responsible for them.

6. “They, not your expectations, are a priority.” If dad wanted to become a great athlete, and the child likes to draw, you need to send him to a drawing school, and not to the sports section. It is important to listen to the child and not put pressure on him with your expectations.

7. "Do not give them a loan, at least until the age of 25-27." And this is not about financial loans. Education, clothing, food, even a down payment on a business, if required, should all be given free of charge. The child does not owe the parents for the benefits received, it is the responsibility of the parents to make sure that the child receives all this.

8. “To form a sense of family integrity. her unity." A child will grow up happy and have a happy family if he has a good example. Therefore, you need to try to lay this sense of value and family unity in the early stages of education.

9. “Speak out loud. Discuss everything." It is very important to talk with the child on any topic, not to close or hide something, even if this conversation is unpleasant.

10. “To teach the value of time. Love for money, property, as if for a way of freedom. These fundamentals of parenting will help instill in children the right values, thanks to which the child will grow up happy, confident, successful and purposeful.

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Yours, Maria Altuhova,

Psychologist, Pedagogical University, Ukraine.

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