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England: 10% - to parents

British parents are in no hurry to teach their children how to handle money - so as not to deprive them of their childhood. But all the same, they give piggy banks and offer to save pounds there, for example, from pocket money. By the way, on average they give £5-10 ($8-15.5) a week, and a teenager - £20 ($31). At the same time, if children need more money for expenses, then parents offer them to earn extra money from them.

And from the age of 14, many Britons start moonlighting as babysitters and receive £ 3.5-5 ($ 5.5-8) per hour for this. And their parents, in turn, stop giving them money.

Parental fee. When children start earning for real, while remaining to live with their parents, they must pay the so-called parental fee - 10% of their salary.

So they help them realize that they can not spend everything they earn on themselves. After all, you still have to pay a utility bill, buy groceries, etc. The sooner they get used to it, the better for them.

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Unknown member
Dec 28, 2022

How important to teach a child to behave with his money from the childhood...

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