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Greece: what are the traditions in raising children.

One strict ban - on disrespect for elders!

Greece is a country where children are simply adored. No one ever dares to tell parents how to raise their children.

In the broadest sense of the word, it can be emphasized that the Greeks are family people. All family members try to stick together and maintain family ties. All holidays, and ideally weekends, the Greek family spends together: children, grandchildren, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins and sisters… The more, the merrier. And the Greeks are very noisy and love to laugh. In such an environment, the children are very comfortable: everyone loves you, you can do whatever comes to mind, while laughing until you drop.

In Greek families, there is only one strict prohibition - this is disrespect for elders. And both family members and complete strangers.

Permissiveness breeds bad manners. Alas, many tourists state that spoiled children often do not know how to behave in public places. Yes, they are not rude to elders, but otherwise they show selfishness and even swagger.

Many women who have a tender relationship with the Greeks say that they were the first to hear from their lover "I want a child from you."

Daddies in Greece are really one of the most loving, responsible and reverent. They are not afraid to take a baby in their arms, change diapers with enthusiasm, walk with children and generally devote all their free time to the baby.

However, this medal has another side. When children are divorced, more and more often the court leaves with their fathers, and not with their mothers. Sometimes it’s because of the size of the parent’s bank account (it is believed that a richer parent can provide a better future for the baby), and other times without relying on this amount.

At the age of four, Greek children go to kindergarten. This is not to say that this is a mandatory stage before school, but it is very desirable. Children go to kindergartens en masse, a rare baby stays at home with grandmothers and nannies. The main task of the kindergarten is the development of an aesthetic sense in the child, as well as basic intellectual skills. Education in the kindergarten runs from 8 am to 4 pm. Interestingly, the number of kindergartens in Greece is steadily growing, which means that it is not a problem for parents to enroll a child there.

The next stage of education in Greece is primary school. There children study from 6 to 12 years old. At the end of elementary school, students receive certificates, which are then sent to the various gymnasiums they want to enter. Gymnasiums are an analogue of our high school, they study there from 12 to 15 years old. And then they enter lyceums, after graduating from which they receive a certificate of completed secondary education.

In order to get a higher education, the Greeks enter the university. Those who are satisfied with secondary specialized education are also welcome in vocational schools. In universities, training usually lasts 4 years. The only exceptions are some specialties, which take 5-6 years to master.

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