If you pay attention to the way of life of Arab families, it should be noted that they have neither orphanages nor shelters for the elderly. Traditionally, they revere the mother, while the father is respected and feared.
From childhood to go to the goal:
As for rewards in education, they are manifested in an abundance of gifts. Arab children are often beautifully dressed up, and on the street strangers treat them just like that. Achievements of the child are also appreciated - good grades or victories in competitions. The family can even arrange a holiday on this occasion. This implies that study or interest in science should lead to a specific goal, namely, to obtaining a well-paid job.
In Arab families, children are brought up mainly by mothers. The wife receives instructions from her husband, which she implements in the upbringing of offspring. But as soon as the child turns 7-10 years old, the father begins to take a more active part in the upbringing of the offspring, but only if it is a boy. Usually this is an introduction to football or teaching life philosophy. It is worth saying that in Arab countries there are practically no children without fathers.