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How India celebrates the New Year and its features!

Updated: May 13, 2023

India is a very beautiful and exotic country with its own laws and traditions. And the holidays are also celebrated in it especially. Here, only recently, they began to celebrate the New Year from December 31 to January 1. Previously, this date came on a different number of their calendar. If you go with the whole family to spend children's winter holidays here, you will get a lot of pleasure and see a lot of interesting and unusual things. Winter in India is warm and dry. How they celebrate the New Year in India, you will remember for many years. They do not have such a harsh and cold winter, with snow and blizzards. In some areas, the temperature reaches almost thirty degrees. Massive merry festivities and incendiary carnivals take place on the streets of the city. India celebrates the New Year the most in terms of the number of days. Previously, all Hindus celebrated the New Year in the month of November, it was the national holiday of Deepavali. Such a day was accompanied by noisy fireworks, cheerful demonstrations and decoration of the city.

India is a big country, and different regions celebrate the New Year in different styles. For example, in the Northern region of India, all people adorn themselves with beautiful, exotic flowers of all kinds of colors. Flowers are fragrant with their aroma and make the air exotic and unique. In the Southern region, it is a tradition to decorate a tray with delicious fruits. Here they use different fruits that grow in India. And in the morning, the children are blindfolded with a handkerchief and brought to a tray of fruit, so that the child chooses it for himself and eats it. All children are looking forward to the New Year holiday with great impatience. They also try to behave well and study hard at school. But the most beautiful tradition of celebrating the New Year is the central region of India. The most striking sight here is the burning of a scarecrow or a tree decorated with bright ornaments. National flags are hung on the roof of all the houses, from which the street turns orange. And at night, multi-colored lights are also lit, which makes the city beautiful and fabulous. On a night like this, the street is crowded. Everyone is having fun, jumping over the fire. Yogis walk on hot coals. There are also unusual competitions where women and men measure their strength and skill. Young people like to arrange real archery, and children prefer to fly kites into the sky. No matter how the holiday is celebrated in different ways, everyone is united by a wonderful mood on New Year's Eve.

Attentive and respectful attitude towards each other. All Hindus believe that as this New Year's Eve passes, so will the next year. Hindus are deeply religious people and along with the traditional celebration of the holiday, they visit temples where they ask the god Lakshmi, he is the patron of wealth, material well-being in the new year. And the god Kama has health and love in his family. New Year in India is a real family holiday. Only here they traditionally decorate not a Christmas tree, but a Mango tree and not with garlands and toys, but with bananas. The most delicious national dishes are prepared for the New Year's table. Pilaf is especially appreciated. Each family cooks according to its own special recipe. Many people add meat to pilaf, while others make it only with vegetables. Beans, cabbage and even potatoes are used for pilaf. Indians eat pilaf simply with their hands, making small balls out of it. Many spices are added to their dishes, which make the dish original.

Hindus decorate their houses with large banana leaves. Instead of light bulbs, they hang lamps on the roofs, with oil in the middle. Children are also waiting for New Year's gifts, and a New Year's Christmas woman brings them under their tree. After midnight, bells ring in all the temples of the city and announce the onset of the New Year. And in areas where there are seaports, ships signal the onset of the holiday. The entire female half of India necessarily celebrates the New Year with their husbands, they behave very quietly and decently. Teenagers must also follow the requirements of etiquette and spend the holiday with their families. Although young people are influenced by Western youth and behave very noisily on the streets of the city on New Year's Eve, while drinking a large amount of alcoholic beverages. Hindus are friendly people. They give gifts not only to their family members, but also to acquaintances and neighbors. As gifts are baskets with fruits, nuts. With such gifts, they express their respect and wish them a happy and successful future New Year. Well, they give sweets to children.

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