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How to respond if a child is injured or hit hard.

In the event of a child being injured, parents often panic - they begin to scream and lament loudly, grab the child, shake it, and fuss. All these reactions further aggravate his condition and frighten him. If you can maintain composure, this will have a beneficial effect on the emotional state of the child.

▪️What should NOT be done?

- React violently and excessively: “What to do now?”, “Oh, what a nightmare, what a horror!”, “Poor, unfortunate child!”

- No frightening and disturbing phrases - they are all "recorded" in the child's long-term memory and can pop up at the most inopportune time.

- Ignore, deny, prohibit or devalue emotions: “Be patient, you’re a man”, “There’s nothing to nurse!”, “You’re a boy that sheds tears!”, “Nothing to cry”, “Don’t hurt, don’t invent.”

- Stroking and rocking the child too hard - these movements will be transmitted to him as a huge anxiety for him.

▪️What should be done?

Adopt the position of "Compassionate Presence". You can take the child in your arms, hug, gently shake, say: “Everything will be fine”, “Now I will help you”, “Now it will be better”, “Mom will help you” until the first wave of shock has passed or help won't come.

If the child is trembling, shaking, crying, screaming - do not suppress his sounds and movements, just be there, stroke and repeat that everything will be fine, that now ... a doctor will come, a car will bring water, or any other short and simple explanations.

▪️Recovery period after an injury or bruise

Usually, an injured body part in a child is associated with fear and pain. In order for him to establish “friendly” relations with a damaged limb or part of the body again, there are different game techniques, for example, you can invite him to talk to her: “How are you?”, “Why are you in pain?”, “What do you need to get well?"

Let him imagine that she can answer him. This will help him "make peace" with the part of the body that was damaged.

And, as always, we welcome your comments and questions below 🙌🏼🥰

Yours, Ekaterina Antonchik


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