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“I want to close in the shower and cry.” Tips for tired moms from a child psychologist.

Updated: May 13, 2023

So you want to be a good mother and wife, don't you? So that the child would always smile and never be capricious, the apartment would shine with cleanliness, and the aroma of something tasty and hot would come from the kitchen ...

But, unfortunately, real life often diverges from our ideas and dreams. This article is dedicated to moms who are tired. Tired of the whims of the child, lack of strength and guilt.

▪️So, what is a mother to do who no longer has the strength?

There are situations when, just waking up, you dream that this day will end soon. When you feel endlessly alone, despite caring for others.

When you want to close yourself in the bathroom and cry, because that's the only way it becomes easier. Because remorse for screaming and anger at children for some reason, which now seems completely trifling, is crushing.

When you have to reheat pizza again or eat sandwiches for dinner, because there was not enough time to cook the food you wanted.

Dear mother, remember. What you do is priceless. You are important and sufficient! You give your children the best you can.

Don't worry. Your children are sure that you are the best in the world and you can absolutely everything. And they don't need anyone but you.

You are MOM. And you are beautiful! Exactly the way you are. Let these words warm and support you in every moment of despair, when it seems that it is very difficult.

But that is not all. Now let's be succinct and sensible about how to unload your life in difficult moments of motherhood. We have 5 recommendations for you.

📍No need to strive for perfection;

📍Have a healthy mindset;

📍Ask for help and hand out assignments;

📍Sleep more;

📍Relax properly.

▪️What about the feeling of guilt?

Everything here is based on the management of emotions. When irritation reaches the limit, it is very important not to bring down your feelings on the child, but to splash out on an inanimate object - for example, beat a pillow with your fists. It helps a lot - a proven and effective way, just try it.

Yours, Maria Altuhova,

Psychologist, Pedagogical University, Ukraine.

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Jan 28, 2023

How sensitive topic it is… ❤️❤️

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