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Loneliness: causes, types.

What is loneliness?

In psychology, loneliness is called an emotional state, the main feature of which is the lack of a trusting relationship with another person. Usually there are some social or psychological prerequisites for this. This condition can occur even in people who are not alone in life. They may have a family and a few friends with whom they meet periodically. But at the same time, they have no one to “pour out their souls”, since there is no friend with the necessary level of trust.

Every person has a need for communication. And if for some reason she cannot be satisfied, this is loneliness. Sometimes this is hindered by a reluctance to get close to other people, and sometimes by the inability to meet a “soul mate”. The very feeling of loneliness appears when a person realizes that he does not receive the necessary attention, understanding, or just close and trusting communication.

Thus, loneliness is the inability to satisfy the need for emotional intimacy. Someone lacks romantic feelings, someone lacks true friendship, and someone lacks a loved one who could be trusted with their emotional experiences.

Types of loneliness

Loneliness can be forced or voluntary. The first case is possible if, for some reason, a person is limited in his ability to communicate with other people. Voluntarily, people can expose themselves to loneliness if complexes or some secrets interfere with them, because of which they do not want to get close to anyone. And some people occasionally have a desire to be completely alone in order to take a break from communication and the obsession of others.

From a scientific point of view, there are the following types of loneliness:

1. Psychological. Lack (and feeling of lack) of confidential communication. The inability to feel emotional closeness with another person due to personality traits or internal conflict.

2. Physical. This may be the typical desire of a lonely person to wake up in the morning in someone's warm embrace. And sometimes people simply lack the feeling that other people are physically present nearby (in the room).

3. Social. This kind of loneliness is manifested in the lack of connection with any social environment. The reasons may be different. Sometimes a person simply cannot find a society in which he is comfortable. Sometimes his complexes prevent him from believing that he can be of interest to someone.

4. Chronic. Sometimes people, for various reasons, remain alone for a long time and get used to the fact that there is no one around. All three types of loneliness listed above can become chronic.

5. Situational. This condition can occur if a person is in trouble and realizes that he will have to cope alone. It also happens the other way around: something good happens, and he is upset that there is no one to share the moment of triumph with.

Causes of loneliness

The feeling of loneliness can arise for various reasons - both internal and external. Consider the main factors that lead people to this state.

1. Family conflicts;

2. Misunderstanding from loved ones;

3. Relationship tension;

4. Lack of self-realization.


Loneliness is considered an undesirable state that deprives a person of many joys and prevents him from fully enjoying life. However, it also has positive aspects. In particular, this is complete freedom, which is usually somewhat limited for a person who has connected his life with someone. And yet, most people do not want to be lonely and try their best to get rid of this condition.

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