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Parenting in modern Nigeria!

In modern Nigeria, a huge number of different cultures have influenced people's lives, which is now practically not preserved the original, cultural and traditional way of life of Nigerians.

Different cultures and traditions were mixed, new cultures and religions were introduced. Whatever changes take place in the life of the people of Nigeria, the Nigerians were able to preserve their national traditions and carry them through all the difficulties of life, preserve and honor to this day.

It was believed that African culture had already lost its original appearance, and was on the verge of extinction, but it turned out that this was not the case. In some places, even the appearance of fishing nets and fishing techniques have been preserved, African traditions in cooking are also noticeable. Some woodwork, metal and ceramic items are reminiscent of the style of the work of individual tribes. All this suggests that not some individual elements of the tribes, their cultures have been preserved, but the common African heritage has been preserved. African religious traditions have been preserved in Nigeria.

When it comes to family, Nigerians are characterized by family solidarity. A feature of the character of Nigerians is that human security, in their opinion, depends on the family, and not on material well-being. If the whole family is always together, and family ties are always preserved, then each person in the family can count on the support of relatives.

Nigerian families are not numerous, but more or less close relatives always stay in touch with each other, and the family often gets together. The older generation in Nigeria is treated with great respect, so often parents can live with their children for quite a long time. Sometimes younger children simply stay at their parents' home to provide them with all kinds of support. In those families where they try by any means to preserve the traditions of the people, the children are given all the knowledge and skills that parents also adopted from their ancestors. Children are brought up quite strictly, they try to instill such character traits as respect for parents, love for their ancestors and relatives. In Nigeria, in families with a modern outlook on life, children enjoy more freedom, although they are not particularly pampered. Stronger family relationships between parents and children in Muslim Nigerian families. Here, children are completely subordinate to the will of their parents and must honor and respect their fathers.

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