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Peculiarities of Raising Children in a Tropical Paradise: Dominican Republic.

Raising children: a question that worries everyone. After all, we are all either already parents or potential parents. There are so many different opinions and theories on the subject of raising children that you can simply get lost in them. But in reality, each of us just lives with our children, and automatically, under the pressure of circumstances, we pass on our life experience, our views, opinions to our children, and most importantly, we try to protect our children from making mistakes that we ourselves made when -then. Dominican parents are no exception.

Each nation has its own traditions and approach to the upbringing and education of their offspring. As for the Dominicans, if you ask them what they see as the main principles of raising children, you will not get an answer. Most of them will be confused. Many people don't think about it. However, they just have an innate talent for communicating with babies. And most importantly - great patience.

The bulk of Dominican parents are not involved in the upbringing of children. Children are raised by grandparents. And parents make money. With rare exceptions. Of course, there are Dominicans, mostly from people of good means, who are interested in psychology and education, so they try to adhere to the most modern trends in this matter.

Well, the upbringing of our offspring by grandmothers is permissiveness and spoilage. Grandmothers never set strict rules, as they did with their own children. Therefore, children do whatever they want, eat whatever they want, and do not follow the regime. This happy period lasts up to 5 years. Therefore, they say in the Dominican Republic that children should not be limited in anything until this age.

As experience shows, relaxation does not end there. At the age of 4-5 children go to school.

Initially, children go through a preparatory class during the year. They learn the simplest things, at the kindergarten level. Then the school period begins. Education in the Dominican Republic from 5 to 14 years.

This is an elementary school. Then comes high school and higher education.

In general, in the Dominican family, the greatest attention is paid to teaching the child to behave in society: to say hello politely, to be patient, and so on. Respect your parents and elders. But recently this part of upbringing has also begun to limp, since little attention is paid to children.

With regard to educational preparation, parents believe that this is the business of the school and do not study at home with the children for the most part.

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