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Pocket money to a child: when to give and how best to do it.

Updated: May 16, 2023

Giving pocket money to a child can be a great way to teach them financial responsibility and independence. Here are some tips on when to give pocket money and how to do it effectively:

📍Decide on an appropriate age: It's generally a good idea to wait until a child is around 6 or 7 years old before starting to give pocket money. This is an age where children can begin to understand the concept of money and start learning how to manage it.

📍Determine an amount: Decide on a weekly or monthly amount that is appropriate for your child's age and needs. Make sure it is an amount that you can comfortably afford to give on a regular basis.

📍Set expectations: Discuss with your child what the pocket money should be used for and what it should not be used for. For example, you may want to encourage them to save a portion of their pocket money for larger purchases or future goals.

📍Choose a consistent time: Decide on a consistent day or time to give the pocket money, such as every Saturday or the first of the month. This will help your child to anticipate and plan for their pocket money.

📍Use a piggy bank or savings jar: Encourage your child to save their pocket money by giving them a piggy bank or savings jar. This will help them to see their savings grow and teach them the importance of delayed gratification.

📍Review and adjust: Regularly review your child's spending habits and adjust the amount of pocket money as necessary. Use this as an opportunity to discuss financial decisions and teach them about budgeting.

Remember, giving pocket money to a child is not just about the money itself, but about teaching them valuable life skills and responsibility.

Yours, Olga Meking


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