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Polish education: nepotism and patriotism.

Early childhood

Poles always sincerely rejoice at the birth of a child. Even a poor woman who gives birth to a child out of wedlock will never refuse him. Not only grandparents, but also uncles and aunts, and other relatives participate in the upbringing of the child. From the moment the baby arrives in the family, the holidays begin. First, the father must celebrate the birth of the baby with his friends, then, when the baby grows up a little, christening is arranged - a big family celebration where all relatives gather.

Preschool education for the child is chosen by the parents themselves. They can raise him at home on their own, or give him to the garden for a full, or maybe a shortened day. But at the age of 6, all children are required to complete the "zero course" of education - pre-school training in kindergarten or a pre-school education group. They go to school already knowing how to read and write.


There are many pedagogical systems in Poland, and each parent can get acquainted with the methods of work of teachers in different schools. Lessons in elementary school for little Poles last 6 years. There, children not only master various sciences, but also learn to communicate with each other. Then, for 3 years, schoolchildren go to the gymnasium, after which they have to pass difficult final exams. Their grades influence where the Polish teenager will continue his education after the gymnasium: to college, lyceum or vocational school.

From the lyceum, you can go to a higher educational institution without exams. The rest of the applicants will have to worry again: the first stage of the exams is taken by "their" teachers, the second - by unfamiliar teachers from other schools.

Relationships with adults

Children are always brought up with respect for their father, who is considered the main earner and head of the family, even if the wife earns much more. In any family, children respect older relatives and always obey them. Not so long ago, Poland passed a law "On Combating Domestic Violence", which prohibits corporal punishment and infliction of mental suffering on a child.

Despite the fact that many parents said that they could not imagine education without spanking, the law is strictly enforced. Otherwise, law enforcement officials have the right to take the child away from the family. However, in most Polish families there is no aggression, all relatives take care of the child. Even decisions such as choosing a name for an unborn baby, or choosing a kindergarten, are made at a large family council.

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