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Psychological features of the development of children 2-3 years old.

Updated: May 15, 2023

Dear parents! It is very important to know about the characteristics of the child's development, his capabilities and needs, and also to be prepared for changes in his character and behavior, which become especially evident during age-related crises. Undoubtedly, all children are different, and each child follows his own path of development, but, nevertheless, there are general patterns of development that are some guideline for both parents and specialists working with children of this age group.

At 2-3 years old, a child is already a small person! He consciously pronounces "I": "I want / do not want, I will / will not!". He recognizes himself in the mirror and in the photograph. The kid gets stubborn sometimes. Often this comes from the fact that he was not understood, insulted. It is impossible to punish a child unfairly, because. he becomes resentful. Psychologists call this period of life a crisis. Nevertheless, the efficiency of the nervous system increases in the child, endurance increases. The baby can sometimes restrain his emotions and not cry, even if he is in pain. He becomes more patient and can do one thing for longer without distractions. Now it is difficult for him to switch from one activity to another. For example, immediately stop the game to go to eat, or quickly answer even a well-known question. It becomes difficult to calm a child of this age by diverting his attention.

At this age, the baby still cannot control himself at will, his behavior is mostly involuntary. He is very emotional, but his emotions are fickle, it is easy to distract him, switch from one emotional state to another. The speech of the child is actively developing.

Yours, Simona Thomas

Kindergarten, France

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