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Psychology of the teacher's personality.

The psychology of a teacher's personality is a set of characteristics that presuppose, first of all, the presence of such a component as self-awareness. This is one of the important conditions for the professional and personal development of a teacher. In turn, the category of "self-consciousness" is characterized by a personal representation ("I"-image, "I"-concept).

The influence of the teacher's personality on students

The psychology of the teacher's personality is characterized by the fact that it largely determines how complete the mental and personal development of students will be. Teachers have a direct impact on the development of the motives and needs of schoolchildren, the emergence of interests and inclinations, the manifestation of independent creative thinking. Thanks to the personality of the teacher, children develop self-awareness, social activity and moral upbringing.

New social demands imply an aggravation of this problem and filling it with new qualitative content. In this area, the emphasis is on the connection between the theoretical and practical aspects in the psychology of pedagogical work (analysis, the process of teacher training).

In psychology and pedagogy, aspects of the teacher's personality that affect his activities and pedagogical communication are considered. Analyzing the psychology of a teacher's personality, researchers identify, first of all, personality traits and manifestations that meet the requirements of the teaching profession and ensure effective mastery of full-fledged pedagogical activity (acquisition of professional pedagogical significance).

Teacher Qualities

Different scientists offer different lists of psychological qualities that are characteristic of teachers. First, didactic skills are of great importance. They enable teachers to effectively select the material that is required for pedagogical activities.

Secondly, teachers need expressive abilities. They are reflected in the daily elements of pedagogical activity and include features:





The psychological characteristics of the personality also include pedagogical intuition (insight), attentiveness, perseverance (the ability to concentrate in different situations), good memory, attention to detail. At the same time, it is important to note the suggestive abilities. The entire process of learning in a particular discipline is largely based on them.

Conditionally, the psychological characteristics of a teacher are classified into desirable and undesirable qualities. The first of them include such qualities as honesty, justice, humanity. The latter are represented by impatience, irritability, etc.

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