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Psychosomatics of excess weight.

Excess weight is the result of the formation of excessive body fat, which is very harmful to health.

The cause of excess weight, according to experts, is associated with a psychosomatic disorder, which is based on eating disorders and, as a result, a violation of the assimilation of food and energy consumption. Overweight or obesity is a risk factor for many diseases, including arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, atherosclerosis, etc.

In the field of view of psychosomatics are not those patients who have a chronic increase in body weight, but those who have alternating phases of voracity and starvation. This category of people does not measure the amount of food with the internal subjective need, so they believe that they did not take much food at all. A pathogenetic concept arises, the essence of which is that a person does not have a sense of satiety.

Experts identify two characteristic syndromes:

📍the syndrome of night and evening eating accompanied by insomnia, which is observed in 10% of obese women;

📍syndrome of gluttony attacks, when a huge amount of food is absorbed during conflicts, accompanied by fears, depression, guilt.

Both syndromes are accompanied by an increase in neurotic signs and a tendency to conflict.

I must say that different people have somatic and mental factors leading to overweight will be different. More often than other psychological reasons, frustration associated with the loss of a beloved object, separation, loss of loved ones, leaving parents is called. When a child is born in a family, older children react with increased appetite. The reason for impulsive eating is general depression, fear of loneliness, a feeling of emptiness. In addition, there are situations that combine activity and danger, requiring increased tension, and many people begin to "jam" this tension intensely. There is, as it were, a substitute satisfaction and food eases the pain, the feeling of loss.

Any psychosomatic illness, including being overweight, can basically have an unresolved internal conflict that disappears from the sphere of a person's conscious perception, but remains in the unconscious. The problem is repressed for various reasons - the fear of looking directly at the problem and finding the strength to act. Sometimes it happens that a person does not have internal resources to change something.

Studies conducted abroad show that being overweight is largely determined not by genetics, but by the social environment. Excessive weight of a person is the result of psychological attitudes.

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