Age periods in the upbringing of Japanese children
The whole system of raising children is built in accordance with three stages.
1. At the first stage (from birth to 5 years) - "Emperor" - at this age stage, nothing is forbidden to the child, warning conversations are held to ensure the safety of the child. If a child is injured, then this is the fault of the mother, she asks for forgiveness from the child. Couples interact with children during weekend walks. At this age stage, calm intonations are used, physical punishments are unacceptable. The method of "alienation" is used, characterized by a complete separation from the family and society.
This technique is successful, because in Japan, collectives, not individual individuals, are of great importance. At this stage, no censure is used. Such upbringing brings the appearance of traits of spoiledness and capriciousness of children, but this is only until the onset of the next age period.
2. The second stage (from 5 years to 15 years) - "Slave". At this stage, concessions end, strict discipline prevails. A clear framework indicates the behavior and appearance of the child. During this period, children learn that they are members of society, equal to each other. The focus on the family's financial situation and background leads to further clarification that this is not a priority.
3. The third period (from 15 years onwards) is “Equal”. This period is important in the upbringing of a child who can already be responsible for his actions, which leads to strict observance of the norms and rules of society. In educational institutions, non-observance of traditions leads to severe censure. In their free time, children can exercise freedom of choice - in clothes, hobbies.
Features of raising children in kindergarten
Let's briefly list the main features:
📍the presence of a modest environment in kindergarten;
📍carefully designed menu using dairy products, vegetables and
📍small groups (6-8 people) with constant re-formation every six months - provides a broad socialization of the child;
📍constant change of educators so that attachments do not arise;
📍preparation for school is an important task, but it is not the main one, education is the main task, the child is taught to behave in a team.