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Raising children in Ukraine!

There are so many parents in Ukraine, so many methods of upbringing. Psychologists unanimously advise moving from an authoritarian style of upbringing to a humanitarian one, but so far prohibitions in Ukrainian families are very popular in full accordance with folk wisdom: "If you want to zip a child, let him work everything that is wrong."

The main educators of Ukrainian children are still women, and at home, and in kindergartens, and in schools. The vast majority of kids attend kindergartens, many regularly go to circles, sections, centers and studios, including preschool ones.

But babysitting services are not as popular here as in the rest of Europe - Ukrainian parents prefer to involve grandparents: it’s calmer and cheaper. Not surprisingly, grandmothers take an active part in the upbringing of their grandchildren.

For Ukrainians, children remain children forever. Even when they already have their own families and children, parents, as far as possible, help both with advice and financially, solve certain everyday problems and nurse their grandchildren for a long time, as their parents once nursed their children.

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