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Should the child share? 8 recommendations for brothers and sisters.

Sharing can be a difficult concept for children, especially when it comes to toys and personal belongings. Here are eight recommendations for encouraging siblings to share:

📍Set expectations: Let your children know that sharing is important in your family, and set clear expectations for how they should share.

📍Start early: Encourage sharing from an early age, so it becomes a natural part of your children's behavior.

📍Provide opportunities for sharing: Create opportunities for your children to share, such as having them take turns with a toy or game.

📍Praise sharing behavior: When your children share, praise their behavior and let them know how proud you are of them.

📍Avoid forcing sharing: Avoid forcing your children to share, as it can create resentment and conflict. Instead, encourage them to share by modeling sharing behavior and providing positive reinforcement.

📍Use compromise: Encourage your children to find compromise when sharing, such as taking turns with a toy or sharing a game together.

📍Respect personal boundaries: Teach your children to respect personal boundaries and to ask for permission before using someone else's belongings.

📍Be fair: Ensure that each child has equal access to toys and personal belongings, so they feel that they are being treated fairly.

Remember that sharing is a learned behavior and can take time for children to master. By setting expectations, praising sharing behavior, and modeling positive sharing behavior, you can encourage your children to develop a strong sense of sharing and generosity.

Yours, Christian Robert


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