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The child is afraid of loud sounds and noise: causes of fear.

Children can be afraid of loud sounds and noise for various reasons, including:

📍Sensitive hearing: Children may have more sensitive hearing than adults, making loud sounds and noise more overwhelming and frightening.

📍Traumatic experience: A traumatic experience, such as being in an accident or witnessing a loud and scary event, can cause fear and anxiety around loud sounds and noise.

📍Developmental stage: Some children may go through a developmental stage where they become more aware of their surroundings and are easily frightened by loud noises.

📍Sensory processing disorder: Children with sensory processing disorder may have difficulty processing sensory information, including sounds, which can lead to fear and anxiety.

📍Anxiety or phobia: Some children may develop an anxiety or phobia related to loud sounds and noise, which can cause them to feel fearful and avoidant.

It's important to identify the underlying cause of your child's fear of loud sounds and noise, so you can better address and support them. If your child's fear is interfering with their daily life, it may be helpful to seek the advice of a professional, such as a therapist or counselor, who can provide guidance and support for you and your child.

Yours, Hanne Pedersen


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