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My child is guilty, but I'll not explain the reason, just ignore to let her understand everything...

Updated: May 15, 2023

Punishment with silence is not an educational tactic designed to make a person think about his behavior, but psychological violence.

And, unfortunately, it is very common in child-parent relationships.

Ignoring is considered a "light" punishment, because no one hits the child, but this is a big mistake. The child feels as vulnerable and lonely as possible, does not feel parental love and need, and is ready to apologize for anything in order to return the parents' attention.

But not because she "realized" something - often children have no idea what exactly they should realize - but to feel safe again.

In order for the child to understand what is wrong with his behavior, you need to talk to him, but the main thing is to remember during the conversation that the goal is to change the behavior of the child, not the child himself: "You are good and I love you, but your act... ".

Yours, Emma Wiliiams

High School, Psychologist, Canada

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