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Types of child development.

Types of age-related changes

The development of children is characterized by the following types of transformations:

📍Evolutionary type. Reflects relatively slow quantitative and qualitative transformations.

📍Revolutionary type. Shows deep changes happening quickly and swiftly. Usually associated with crises of age development that occur during transitional periods.

📍Situational type. Associated with the impact of social situations, methods of organizing training and methods of education.

Types of child development

In psychology, there is a system of interrelated activities and leading forms of communication.

Consider the main types of child development:

📍The first type is associated with the emotional and direct communication of the child with adults, which is carried out outside the scope of objective activity from the moment of birth until the onset of 1 year.

📍The second type of development is associated with the object-manipulative activity of a child aged from 1 to 3 years. In this case, toys and surrounding objects are used without the active participation of adults.

📍The third type of development is connected with a plot-role-playing game. The combination of a game with communication, imitating specific social situations and the inherent forms of behavior in it. Suitable for preschool children 3-7 years old.

📍The fourth type of development is educational and cognitive activity. Includes learning activities and interpersonal communication, which determines cognitive development. Peculiar to primary school age from 7 to 11 years.

📍The fifth type of development is associated with professional and personal communication. Reflects communication and joint group activities of interest, while preparing children for specialized work in the future. Typical for ages 11 to 15.

📍The sixth type of development is associated with moral and personal communication. It is characterized by personal themes of an intimate and specific nature in high school students, aged 14-17 years.

Child Development Factors

They show the qualitative and quantitative changes that occur in the child's psyche during the transition from one age group to another.

These changes are influenced by constant factors: physiological maturation, intellectual and individual development, as well as factors of mental development.

The physiological development of children, the formation of their observational processes, the manifestation of unique qualities of character and behavior are closely related to each other. They show the psychophysical improvement of the child.

The factors of mental development are the driving forces of individuality, pedagogical influence and patterns of general mental development.

The factors of development include the factor of pedagogical influence. This indicator is a combination of methods and means of education, training programs and levels of pedagogical professionalism of teachers. Thanks to these factors, the child's development is activated or restrained, this process is accelerated or slowed down.

The laws of mental development define patterns that describe the mental development of a child. Given their influence, it is possible to influence and manage development.

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