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What are the parental expectations for a child in China?

Parental expectations for children in China can vary depending on a range of factors, including the socio-economic background of the family, the region of China they are from, and the educational opportunities available. However, there are some common expectations that are often shared by Chinese parents:

📍Academic success: Education is highly valued in China, and parents typically expect their children to excel academically. This can include achieving high grades, participating in extracurricular activities, and attending a top-ranked university.

📍Filial piety: Respect for parents and elders is an important value in Chinese culture, and parents expect their children to show filial piety by being obedient and showing gratitude towards their parents.

📍Hard work and diligence: Chinese parents often believe that hard work and diligence are key to success, and they may encourage their children to spend long hours studying or practicing a particular skill or activity.

📍Cultural and moral values: Parents in China often place a strong emphasis on traditional cultural and moral values, such as honesty, loyalty, and respect for authority.

📍Social status: Chinese society places a high value on social status, and parents may expect their children to pursue careers that will bring them prestige and financial success.

It's important to note that these expectations are not universal and that there is significant diversity in parenting practices and expectations across China.

Yours, Xiaojie Ma


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