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What is child psychology and why should parents study it.

Updated: May 15, 2023

Do you want to adequately, wisely and consciously raise your children? You need knowledge about child psychology. Infant crying, “I myself” from a three-year-old, the beginning of school, adolescence - the stages of development of children, which are most often given to parents, are not easy. If you understand what is happening to your child at each of these moments, it will be easier for you to bear them yourself and help the child go through the changes.

▪️What is child psychology?

Child psychology is a branch of the big science of psychology. This is its direction, where scientists explore the patterns of mental development of the child. They study how children develop and form thinking, speech, attention, memory.

Child psychology is not the private opinion of some psychologist. Sometimes people ask a psychologist how many children he or she has. They think: the more children a specialist in child psychology has, the better he understands it. But it's like asking a surgeon if he's done any surgery on himself. The psychologist does not transfer personal experience to work with clients. Child psychology is a scientific field, and psychologists in their work with children are guided by proven concepts.

Oliver Dickson,

High school, Canada

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